Pantai Premier Pathology Sdn Bhd (Pantai Premier Pathology) is a medical diagnostic laboratory offering a wide range of laboratory services in West Malaysia. More than 1,000 physicians access our services to provide quality treatments for their patients every year.
HistopathologyThorough microscopic examination of tissue samples, from biopsy to large specimens, are done at our Histopathology Unit via conventional H&E staining, special staining and immunohistochemistry staining. We have the capacity to run various types of samples such as dermatopathological samples, onco-pathological samples including those for lymphoma cases, as well as frozen section for immediate diagnosis. Our histopathology reports are comprehensive and delivered on time. The unit is headed by 8 Resident Consultant Pathologists stationed nationwide. We remain steadfast to be the best in the industry by enrolling into internal and external assurance programmes. |
HaematologyA full range of blood tests can be conducted including blood film examination or assessment, bone marrow examination and basic coagulation tests using both automation and manual techniques. The unit's well-trained team coupled with a defined workflow ensures the smooth running of tests for accurate and precise results. Our Consultant Haematologist provides expert advice and review on challenging cases. |
MicrobiologyOur laboratory performs a wide variety of microbiological testing including bacteriology, mycology, rapid virology and parasitology. It carries out culturing, isolation and identification of micro-organisms such as bacteria and funghi obtained from wounds, pus, faeces, urine, respiratory specimens as well as other body fluids like blood and cerebral spinal fluid. All mycobacteriology, molecular diagnostics and viral cultures are referred to reference laboratories. |
CytopathologyWith over ten qualified cytoscientists and cytotechnologists nationwide, the Cytopathology Unit provides comprehensive cytology services to both hospitals and GP clinics. It regularly receives and processes specimens, including gynaecologic, non-gynaecologic and fine needle aspiration, even those via liquid-based collection method, and produce accurate and precise reports. Our lab ensures optimal use of limited cytologic specimens by providing a full range of ancillary markers. Our team is highly qualified, and actively participates in regular cytology programme, workshops and seminars. We are using the 2001 Bethesda system that provides uniformity in laboratory reporting of PAP Smears. |
Transfusion MedicineThe Unit offers one of the most advanced transfusion services with the blood centre preparing 100% blood components for patients. It provides blood grouping, cross-matching and antibody screening. Our unit ensures blood donation takes place in a congenial environment for both donors and patients alike. |
Immunology & SerologyOur unit provides comprehensive tests including hormone levels measurement, viral antigen and antibody screening, cancer markers and other indications. It is well-equipped with state-of-the-art automated immunology analysers. Stringent internal quality control is carried out daily and external quality control is performed periodically to ensure quality results. |
Clinical ChemistryThe Clinical Chemistry Unit offers a broad spectrum of tests to assess or monitor the function or the dysfunction of organs such as the heart, kidney, liver, thyroid, etc. Tests include blood glucose, electrolytes, enzymes, hormones, lipids (fats), other metabolic substances and proteins. |