Our Hand & Upper Limb Centre is a one-stop centre for medical, nursing and rehabilitation services for patients of all ages. The centre has a team of experienced surgeons, nurses and therapists that complement one another to ensure our patients have optimum treatment and care. When surgery is necessary, our surgeons will work together with our in-house therapists to monitor your recovery and rehabilitation processes.
De Quervain is a condition where the sheath or synovium surrounds the two tendons that runs between wrist and thumb become inflamed. As it swollen and thicken, it becomes painful for a person when moving their thumb.
Trigger fingers is a condition when your fingers become stiff or present with locking, popping and clicking with difficulties in bending or strengthening the fingers. It happens when the tendons swollen and inflamed due to the tendon facing difficulties in gliding through the pulley system.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome happens when the median nerve is trapped within the wrist joint under the carpal tunnel which is caused by repetitive movement of the wrist joint. When the median nerve is compressed, the symptoms can include numbness, tingling and weakness in the hand and arm. This can happen to office workers where they use wrist for repetitive typing on the computer.