The signs of early pregnancy can differ among every woman and pregnancy. Some may sense changes in their body before realising they are pregnant, while others may not experience any noticeable symptoms. Nevertheless, it is important to recognise these early signs to ensure the foetus is developing in good health.
Here is a list of early signs and symptoms of pregnancy that you may experience.
A missed period is the most common and reliable sign of pregnancy if you have a regular monthly menstrual cycle. During the initial weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to experience a slight bleed resembling a very light period. This is characterised by minimal spotting or a small amount of blood loss and is referred to as implantation bleeding.
Many women may feel exhausted during the early stages of pregnancy. This is due to elevated levels of the hormone progesterone during early pregnancy. Fatigue often improves in the second trimester, typically after week 13 of pregnancy. However, fatigue does come back in the third trimester for many women.
During pregnancy, your breasts may enlarge and feel tender similar to the way your breasts feel before menstruation. Your areolas (the area around your nipple) may darken and enlarge. You may also notice an increase in breast size, causing your bra to feel tighter than usual.
Morning sickness can happen at any time of the day or night, often starting a month or two after you become pregnant. However, some women experience nausea earlier, and some never go through it. While the cause of nausea during pregnancy is not clear, pregnancy hormones likely play a role in this.
The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, causing increased frequency of urination. Additionally, hormonal changes lead to increased blood flow to the kidneys, promoting urine production.
During pregnancy, hormonal changes can lead to an increased sensitivity to certain odours and changes in your sense of taste. This, in turn, can result in changes in food preferences leading to cravings or aversions to certain foods.
Having a heightened sense of smell is another early sign of pregnancy. A woman with this symptom may have a reduced tolerance for specific smells or may be more sensitive to smells in general. In some cases, this sensitivity may contribute to nausea.
You may experience mood swings due to hormonal changes. While mood swings are normal and can occur throughout pregnancy, it is crucial to reach out to your doctor if you ever feel anxious, depressed, or have thoughts of self-harm.
A twin pregnancy indicates that there are two foetuses in the uterus. This can result from various factors such as family history, fertility treatments or other contributing factors.
Women anticipating twins might observe their pregnancy symptoms earlier, or signs and symptoms of singleton pregnancy could be more pronounced, owing to the elevated levels of pregnancy hormones.
These signs and symptoms include vomiting early in pregnancy, heartburn, ankle swelling, backache, piles, and varicose veins. Additionally, you may experience:
If your period is delayed and you have received a positive home pregnancy test result, your next course of action will be to call your doctor to schedule your first antenatal screening. Antenatal screening plays a pivotal role in ensuring your well-being as well as your baby’s health throughout your pregnancy journey.
When arranging your appointment, your doctor might ask about whether you have started taking a prenatal vitamin that includes folic acid. Prenatal vitamins play an important role in the early stages of pregnancy as they contribute to the development of the foetal neural tube, which eventually forms your baby's brain and spine.
Eat a balanced and nutritious diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid alcohol, smoking, and recreational drugs, as they can harm the developing foetus.
Learn more about the advantages and benefits of comprehensive prenatal care, when to start, and where to get the best prenatal care.
Being aware of early signs of pregnancy allows you to prepare for managing them early or when the time comes. Regular prenatal appointments and open communication with your doctor are crucial for monitoring your health and addressing any concerns throughout pregnancy.
A dedicated and expert team of obstetricians and gynaecologists at Pantai Hospital is available for consultation to provide patients with the best care and assistance. Get in touch with us to book an appointment today if you have any concerns or questions about your pregnancy journey.
Pantai Hospital has been accredited by the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) for its commitment to patient safety and service quality.